HCC Grand Opening (Poster).
We are pleased to invite you to the Grand Opening of the new Health Contact Centre that will include safe witnessing services at the Lower Mainland Purpose Society’s 40 Bebgie location with access to the Health Contact Centre from Alexander Street.
April 2021 marks five years since BC’s public health officer declared a public health emergency in response to the rising number of deaths resulting from drug contamination. Since 2016, we have lost over 130 New Westminster residents.
We continue to see overdose deaths reach unprecedented records with the onset of the COVID19 pandemic. Effective overdose response interventions are more important now than ever. The Health Contact Centre in Downtown New Westminster reflects a community that is both compassionate and inclusive.
We understand that there may be concerns that arise as we move towards the implementation of these services, and would like to invite you to visit the site on April 21 to meet the team, and ask your questions.
Please book your visit using the following link:
Any questions or concerns may be directed to Travis Walker at 604-366-5791, travis.walker@purposesociety.org